
Couple of FXCM’s transactions, reported on a filing with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) showed, that broker’s major shareholder James Brown has sold 358,028 shares of the company.

Over 12 transactions have been reported at prices between $1.61 and $1.8 a unit in the Class A of Common Stock during the days of May 13 or 14. Moreover, 6 additional transactions have been reported, related to derivative securities beneficially owned as puts, calls, warrants, options, or convertible securities according to the SEC, representing a conversion of options at nil value.

James Brown’s actual FXCM’s portfolio consists of around 0.22% share of total market capitalization, owning 100,000 shares of the company.

Such a step is probably related to actual problems of FXCM after the Swiss National Bank’s cap removal on EUR/CHF currency pair during the Black Thursday in January 15 of this year. The impact on the brokerage house has been incredible and company sold even Faros Trading to repay Leucadia its aid package.

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